10 Exceptional Contractor Blogs
Few things are more valuable for contractors than information, and that’s why we’re always looking to share valuable information with our readers. A while back we covered our 10 can’t miss podcasts for contractors, and today we’re going to cover 10 blogs that...
Ten Can’t Miss Podcasts for Contractors
Podcasts have taken over as the best way to entertain yourself, and maybe learn something too, during your commute. While podcasting has been around since 2004, it didn’t completely take off until just a few years ago. If you don’t know what a podcast is, they’re...
JobFLEX Enters Top 20 on Google Play’s Top Grossing Business Apps
Less than seven months after debuting in the top 50 of Google Play’s top grossing business apps, JobFLEX has reached a new milestone by moving into the top 20. This ascension is notable as JobFLEX is a privately funded startup competing against heavily funded...
How Construction Companies Benefit from Using Apps
As technology has made its way into the construction industry, workers as well as management have come to rely on the use of apps to perform many of their daily tasks. At JobFLEX, we’ve seen an explosion in the growth of our invoicing and estimating app and now other...